Sunday, January 1, 2012

Happy New Year everyone =)

For today episode, i will show you how i spent my time for new year in here, in Matsuyama,Japan.

First watch this video =)

These are the pictures:
This is the first gate of Gokoku Shrine.

 This is what we called Yatai.
 Most them are selling the food.But,there some of them who sell some toys too.

Yatai is so beautiful if we take a picture of it in the night.It's depend on your camera too though =)

It's written 愛媛県護国神社(えひめけんごこくじんじゃ)EHIME KEN GOKOKU JINJA,which means Ehime Pref. Gokoku Shrine.

 This is the second gate of Gokoku Shrine.
I also bought some food in Yatai.This food is so funny because it's written Tokyo's cake,but it's Matsuyama's special product.I want to let you know that Tokyo and Matsuyama is different city and it's located so far to each other.

And this photo is really not important at all.=(

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